Monday, July 28, 2014

ALERT: Delivered By Airplane: Ebola Now Threatens 21 Million People In Major Metro Area CDC warned the next plane could bring a pandemic

In January the U.S.-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the next plane could bring a pandemic.
At the time, they were referring to highly contagious strains of deadly flu virus, but in reality any killer virus could travel around the globe in less than a day.
In March we warned that the deadly Ebola virus, which kills upwards of 85% of its victims, was spreading at an alarming pace in West Africa. It was so serious that governments in the region had locked down their borders. The following month in April, officials in the U.S. and Canada were alerted that the virus may have made its way to North America, though no follow-up information was provided after the initial report. Then, just last month, the World Health Organization issued a dire warning – Ebola could go global.

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